Trinity Youth Program

Be a Part of Making a Change

Donald Balcom, along with a team of other instructors, create youth programs that give young people an opportunity to EXPLORE the RELEVANCE of a personal relationship with God through Christ. We aim to provide an environment in which each youth has every opportunity to achieve success and experience spiritual fulfillment in their lives through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. We want to instill in each youth a desire to question the world around them and seek answers to those questions through Christian learning (Bible study, prayer, worship, and mentors) and using their own critical thinking skills that the Lord has blessed them with. We feel that it is important to establish an atmosphere that is structured, organized, safe, and fun to facilitate an environment that is youth, parent, and mentor friendly.
Our goal is to have youth live out their daily lives trying to put Christ first in all that they do; striving to do their best to share their knowledge of God to others. Standing strong for Christ is a life long journey with many rewards and sacrifices along the way. We want the youth to become disciples to make disciples for the transformation of the world.
Youth Sunday School
Room 47 Upstairs in the Gym
This group offers a great opportunity for young people to begin to experinece their faith, through not only learning, but also small local missions, and involvement in different areas of ministry. It also offers a deeper experience of faith as youth begin to develop for themselves an understanding of how to live out the faith of Scripture in their lives. We hope that youth will understand their call to be disciples of love in sports, at school, in their families, and anywhere else their life may take them.

Wednesday Night
On Wednesday evenings the youth meet together to engage in conversation and take part in activities.
This is a more relaxing time where students express themselves and their goals and engage in general life discussions. Furthermore, this is a time for the youth to share in fellowship with one another. The Youth participate in team building activities, play outside and in the gym, and occasionally attending events in the surrounding area.
Before programming begins, in the spring and fall, dinner is served from 5:30 pm-6:15 pm. This is a time to hang-out and visit with other members of our church family.
Mission Opportunites
The Youth are actively involved in community mission projects. There is an annual mission trip in the summer and other mission opportunities throughout the year. The Youth help with Family Promise, Food Pantry, and work hand-in-hand with others to share the Light of Christ to those who need to know that God loves them.

Monthly Activities
Bowling, Jump Jam/Max Air, Putt-Putt, Go-carts, Corn Maze, Retreats, Lock-ins, Lock-outs, trips to local parks, parties, and more…
A 3 day winter retreat held in Pigeon Forge, TN. Youth from all over the conference come together to worship God with music, drama, games and a whole lot of fun.

Youth Sunday
In May, the youth lead the Bridge Worship service by ushering, singing, praying, reading scripture, and even giving the sermon. They do it all!! Also Senior Graduates are honored at this time.
Camp Wesley Woods
A week long event for middle & high school students. This camp builds new friendships and nurtures spiritual growth through music, drama, games, ropes and challenge courses, caving, archery, swimming, repelling and other fun activities.