our services

Sunday Morning

Join us in the Sanctuary for a Bible filled message with a time of prayer, music and fellowship as we worship together.


Worship 10:00 AM 

Youth Program  11:00 AM


Sunday School

Join us for a small group lesson based on scripture or contemporary problems seeking guidance from the Lord for our daily lives. These classes incorporate prayer and fellowship as we seek God’s guidance.


Sunday School 9:00 AM or 11:00 AM

Wednesday Nights

Join us for a delicious meal prepared by our own kitchen crew. We fellowship and just enjoy getting to know each other better.


*Dinner @ 5:45 PM

Bible Study @ 6:30 PM

Youth Program @ 6:30 PM

Choir Rehearsal @ 7:30 PM 

*Our Wednesday night meals loosely follow Knoxville school’s schedule and are suspended during summers and year end holidays. “Special” meals may also add-to or replace our regular Wednesday night meals. If you are visiting for the first time, check our Calendar or call the church office.

We hope to see YOU at one of our services. Click HERE to get directions to our facilities from any location.