A Timeline of Trinity United Methodist Church

Trinity United Methodist Church is a result of many congregational decisions of faith. Trinity was born before the turn of the century when Knoxville’s First Methodist Church decided for some of its own members to start a Sunday School and Church in North Knoxville. We celebrate our birth of unselfish giving by a congregation. Follow this timeline to see how God’s work in Northwest Knoxville has been carried on through our congrigation’s history.

Organized as North Knoxville Methodist Episcopal Church
North Knoxville Methodist Episcopal Church

Organized on October 12, 1889, Trinity began services in an old school building at this address as "North Knoxville Methodist Episcopal Church" in 1889. 

[Note, this is not the origional building. A one story frame school was our origional building. The first location was torn down and McCallie School now Stands at that spot.]

Church name was changed to Luttrell Street Episcopal Church
Luttrell Street Methodist Episcopal Church

Trinity moved to their own building in 1890. (No photos have been found of that temperary site) This is the building that was called Lutterell Street Methodist Episcopal Church. The congration moved into this building in 1906.

Luttrell Street was renamed to Trinity Methodist Church.
Luttrell renaned to Trinity

Luttrell Street Location as Trinity Methodist Church

Trinity and Cumberland Methodist's merge congregations
Trinity merged with Cumberland Methodist

When people moved to suburbs a new Cumberland congregation met in people’s home and in the rec centers during the 1950’s. That congregation merged with the downtown group to form Trinity United Methodist Church. Here the new combined Trinity and Cumberland church's building plans are shown, announced in Knoxville News Sentinel

New facility opened at Cumberland Estates
New Cumberland / Trinity Building

Plans announced in 1960 come to fulfillment on Oak Ridge Highway

June 1979
St James congregation closes their location and joins Trinity.
St James Western Ave Location
Add new gym, classrooms, restrooms and stage
St James Family Life Center expansion

High wall gym expansion viewed between crosses and sanctuary roof line.

Pipes replaced Hamond Electric Organ and Speakers
Pipe Organ Installation

"Lots of Pipes" replace two speakers to introduce Trinity members to the rich and reverent complex tones of a pipe organ.

August 2020
6000 feet of education and common area expansion
2000 Trinity Expansion

Architectural rendering of our current building after expansion modifications

Growing in to serve God
Areal View of Western Avenue Campus

Our campus on Western Avenue in Knoxville has been a hub for numerous impactful community activities and missions. Our children's daycare program has received a 3 out of 3-star rating from the state. We enhance our worship services with state-of-the-art audio-video systems, and a custom-built pipe organ further enriches our music. We take great pride in our church and welcome you to make it your spiritual home. We are excited to meet you soon.